Employee Newsletter Tips Part 2

The following is a four-part series on exciting ideas for your internal newsletter. In just 4 weeks, you can become a rockstar. If you’re wondering what happened to numbers 1 through 5, check out our previous post. If you’re all caught up – read on! If you missed first article Part 1, be sure to read it.

1. Upcoming Events

Your employee newsletter should include extra special events that employees can look forward to. You can offer special retreats, holiday parties, guest speakers, and much more. These special events will excite and inspire your team. Organise your newsletter in a simple calendar format so they can easily find it.

2. Celebrate Birthdays

A happy birthday is in order! Birthday shout-outs can be offered to employees at your company who have achieved another successful rotation around the sun! For smaller companies, this works best. Companies with larger staffs might consider printing a list of names instead. Incorporate a birthday well-wishes with the employee’s photo in this section of the newsletter by asking co-workers to send in an encouraging sentence or two about the person who is being celebrated.

3. Honor Milestones

Your employees care about company milestones, so they should definitely be featured in your newsletter! Depending on your company, culture milestones can be simple and natural, like anniversaries or promotions. But if your team and culture allow it, celebrate more unique moments, like the time an appliance got an upgrade and it made everyone’s life so much easier, or when the company decided to change the processes and it resulted in smoother operations. If the newsletter is well received and becomes a company staple, maybe even announce those milestones in the newsletter itself.

4. Positive Press

When hard work pays off, it’s always nice to see it. Be on the lookout for positive press about your company. In addition, if any of your employees have been interviewed by the press or featured in an article, spread the word as widely as possible. It makes other employees feel good about your company. Public kudos can also be given to team members who deserve them.

5. Recommendations

Sometimes, you may experience writer’s block as the official newsletter writer. If possible, keep a swipe file of recommended blogs, podcasts, books, etc. This is a simple way to not only fill space when you can’t get the words to come, but it also provides valuable resources to employees looking to learn.

Next week even more ideas will be coming your way! Look out for Part 3!

4 Part Series:

Nucleus Vision Digital and Design Legends
A full-service Marketing and Design Agency
