Employee Newsletter Tips Part 1

The following is a four-part series on exciting ideas for your internal newsletter. In just 4 weeks, you can become a rockstar.

1. Internal job openings and opportunities

In your newsletter, let your employees know about new internal job openings. The idea alone is enough for them to open it every time it arrives in their inbox! If they’re interested, share as many details as possible and don’t forget to include the appropriate contact person.

Also, you could have a yearly give-away of an educational opportunity. Offer your employees a chance to upskill themselves with a course that you sponsor. Make it interesting by asking them for feedback on topics and skills they are eager to learn about. In addition, this will offer you another piece of content for the next edition of your newsletter. You could dedicate a section to promote the winner’s goals and experience once the course has been completed.

2. Employee Profiles

Shine a spotlight on an employee who is doing a great job. Have a fellow co-worker write something professional yet touching about their colleague. Or, as head of the department, carve out some time to do it yourself. Employees should be recognised for their work – both inside and outside of the office – whether they’re crushing sales goals, competing in fitness competitions, or volunteering in the community.

3. Favourite Healthy Recipes

For a bit of bonding that doesn’t involve getting too personal but can still offer insights into fellow co-workers’ interests, ask everyone to contribute a recipe for inclusion in the letter. Ask them to focus on healthy recipes so that there is a wellness angle that is essential for the modern workplace, and it will focus entries as well as, perhaps, ensure you don’t get too many duplicates. Whether it’s gluten-free muffins or veggie frittatas, everyone has a favourite recipe

4. Picture of the Week

Images can be captured quickly with smartphones. Over the last week, ask employees to send in pictures of anything that inspired them, made them laugh, or brought them joy. Ask for a simple explanation to convey what’s going on. When the picture goes out in the newsletter, have a “Caption This” type competition and share the generated captions in next week’s newsletter.

5. Contests

There is nothing better than a good contest. Whether it’s a company-wide or departmental contest, consider getting a little competitive and having everyone participate. Slowly and regularly hint at the contest’s details in the weeks leading up to its release, to entice your employees.

4 Part Series:

Nucleus Vision Digital and Design Legends
A full-service Marketing and Design Agency
