
Get your team up to speed – Online Metaverse Workshop

Is it really happening? There is a lot of talk around the concept. Blockchain and crypto like Bitcoin has been with us for some time. Recently NFTs joined the ride and with Facebook rebranding as Meta one can think that its happening. BUT IS IT REALLY HAPPENING?… Let me tell you this. IT IS. And its happening FAST. But don’t take my word for it, let me show you.

We value marketing but we all want sales!

Designed for digital selling success, Smarketing (sales + marketing) brings together sales and marketing. The collaboration between sales and marketing is crucial to the development of digital assets (videos, articles, whitepapers, case studies, research, messaging templates, etc.) for social selling. Marketing and sales need to measure target customer engagement from the digital assets so they can reassess how to best engage them.

Let’s show you how to define a purpose statement for your brand

So many marketers focus on execution of the strategy without realising that the strategy itself and the driver behind that strategy is what your customer will ultimately relate to. Like it or not – you don’t control what your customers think of your brand, but you can influence that feeling with your branding and marketing actions. But where to begin? That’s easy – DEFINE YOUR BRAND’S PURPOSE STATEMENT. Check out our blog for how!
