
Tools & Software

Let’s Untangle Marketing Channel From Marketing Medium

Developing a marketing strategy that works for you is not something that can be done overnight. It takes careful planning, a dedicated team and a clear roadmap of all the steps along the way. An often overlooked step is choosing your channel.

The Pillars Of Your Marketing Toolkit

The specific marketing tools marketers, brand managers and SME owners will find useful will depend on the strategy and goals of the company and the brand. But having a broad understanding of all the tools available will help us focus in on what we want to achieve and how to do so. At its core the efficient marketing strategy entails creating content, publishing content to various platforms, promoting that content so that as much of our audience as possible will get to see it and then analysing the effectiveness of those efforts.

Introductory Steps To Customer Journey Mapping

It’s extremely helpful to have a visual representation of the journey your customers take when engaging with your brand. This journey must include obstacles and motivators that the client might encounter on the journey, pain points that will encourage the client to seek out solutions from your brand, and of course, a destination – the endpoint that you want your customer to reach.

5 Google Tools You Didn’t Know You Needed

Which tech tools can marketers absolutely not live without? There are so many platforms and a variety of different types of software and apps available to help marketers do their best to connect with our audience and get our brand name out there. Many times, a single company will make a suite of products that all complement each other and are easily available and even easier to use.
