Are Machines Making Us More Human?

Last year the Nucleus team shared some insights on the Metaverse, Deepfakes, 3D printing, Image Generation Software, and Digital Presenters. All fascinating tools with so much potential that really signify a leap into the future and our understanding of technology.

But only since ChatGPT burst onto the scene have our conversations begun to centre around AI – why is that? All of the above-mentioned topics make use of AI but no one was too concerned about the machines “taking over” with 3D printing. In fact, here’s an AI tool that all of us have grown up with but it doesn’t raise any concerns – the calculator.

There is a misconception about AI and it is probably due to the word “intelligence” being part of the term, but let’s not forget the word “artificial”.

If you give any human the same problem that you give a calculator, we will be able to solve it. A calculator can only add, subtract, multiply and divide because humans can do the same, and it was a human who programmed a calculator to do so in general and it is only a human who can input specific tasks for a calculator to finish.

When you look at your calculator it doesn’t just begin doing arithmetic without your input. It’s not designed to do that. And neither is any other AI tool or software. AI seems to be “better” than humans simply because of its speed. It can process all the information we can, the same way that we can, just faster. Meaning that tasks that humans find mundane can be delegated to AI. But that doesn’t make it better, in fact, it means something remarkable for us. AI’s ability to automate routine and repetitive tasks can allow humans to shift our focus towards more creative and innovative endeavours.

With its ability to process vast amounts of data and generate insights, AI can assist humans by sowing the soil for brainstorming and problem-solving so that uniquely human creativity can take root and grow. For marketing teams looking to connect with their audience AI algorithms take over the mundane tasks of data analysis by searching for patterns, identifying trends, and predicting preferences, empowering creatives to tailor their strategies to resonate deeply with audiences, leading to a more engaging and authentic experience for customers.

Using AI in this way means we are free to explore new ideas, experiment with different approaches, and push the boundaries of innovation. With the resources of time and energy replenished this fosters a culture of creativity among marketing teams, enabling breakthroughs by combining human ingenuity with AI’s analytical capabilities, leading to groundbreaking solutions to complex challenges.

AI feeds human creativity by providing information and inspiration, enabling us to explore unconventional ideas and push boundaries. The absence of repetitive work allows individuals to delve deeper into their areas of interest and gives them more time and mental capacity to explore new ideas, brainstorm innovative solutions, experiment with different approaches, and take risks in creative pursuits.

Even though AI seems mechanical, cold and detached, embracing it can actually foster increased collaboration amongst people as we are more open and available to focus on complex challenges. We can engage in interdisciplinary work and combine knowledge and perspectives from different domains to generate innovative solutions. People from various backgrounds coming together facilitates the cross-pollination of ideas, leading to fresh insights, unconventional approaches, and transformative innovations that can address complex societal challenges from multiple angles.

Using our uniquely human critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity we can direct our attention to finding innovative solutions, and addressing issues that have a profound impact on society. This shift in focus allows for more in-depth analysis, experimentation, and the development of sophisticated solutions that push the boundaries of human ingenuity.

This can also usher in an era of human-centred design with a concentrate on designing products, services, and experiences that are tailored to human needs and preferences. Using our empathetic understanding of our world and each other to develop solutions that enhance human experiences, solve real-life problems, and improve the overall quality of life. This emphasis on human-centred design ensures that innovation is driven by empathy, usability, and the desire to create meaningful interactions and positive impact on individuals and communities. So, though the introduction of AI to our lives brings up many questions around ethics and usage let’s not forget that we have been teaching machines to make our lives easier for decades. And embracing artificial intelligence and machine learning could actually bring us, as humans, closer together.

Nucleus Vision Digital and Design Legends
A full-service Marketing and Design Agency
