
Case Study: How Starbucks Used Community Marketing

We all want to give our customers the most authentic and genuine experience. We believe in our brands, and we know the value that it can add to their lives, so we share who we are and what we do in ways that will create connections with them and forge long term loyalty.

The Low-Code Trend You Should Know About – Developing Apps Without Writing Code

Apps are the language of our consumers. A key rule in marketing is to be where your customers are and if your customers are always on their mobile phones, then that’s where you should be. And although the value of encouraging the youth to learn to code can never be understated – the world moving in a more digital direction after all – those of us who are already entrenched in an industry that started off analogue have to keep up by using tools that make navigating the digital world more efficient for our objectives and success.

Introductory Steps To Customer Journey Mapping

It’s extremely helpful to have a visual representation of the journey your customers take when engaging with your brand. This journey must include obstacles and motivators that the client might encounter on the journey, pain points that will encourage the client to seek out solutions from your brand, and of course, a destination – the endpoint that you want your customer to reach.

Things To Consider With Conversion Optimisation

Wherever it is that your brand lives, digitally, you have a few goals you want to achieve. Most of them being related to the experience of people engaging. From the multiple social profiles available to your very own website, each of the digital spaces you inhabit needs to work to connect your already loyal fans and your potential future customers to who you are as a brand.
