Say Goodbye To Camera Shy With AI Created Digital Presenters

There are those who do and there are those who teach. Isn’t it unfortunate that sometimes they are not the same person?

As a marketer, brand manager or SME owner you know that video content where experts speak about advancements in their field, industry news, or simply what excites them about their job, are among the top performing engagement content. We all work with those experts and some of us ARE those experts. However, when the camera gets turned on, the charm, charisma, and infectious real-life excitement seems to drain away.

Now, a company specialising in deep learning and AI tech, is going to change all that.

D-ID is a Creative Reality™ company that aims to radically disrupt the time, hassle and costs involved in video production while still allowing for the creation of highly personalised media using AI – specifically in e-learning, corporate training, marcoms, AI assistants, history and the Metaverse. Late 2022 saw the launch of proprietary Creative Reality™ Studio from D-ID. This self-service video platform helps users bring photos to life.

To play around with Creative Reality, go to for a 14-day free trial. Here you can create a talking presenter by uploading a well-lit, forward-facing picture of any camera-shy expert on your team. Inputting either text or audio of what you want your presenter to say, will give you limited voice options (with more voice options opening up to pro and enterprise paid accounts). The free trial lets you download 5 minutes of AI generated content – meaning one 5-minute video, or a few videos that add up to 5 minutes in length. A pro account gives you 15 minutes per month, and an enterprise account is unlimited.

As part of its commitment to preventing abuse of its technology, D-ID has made sure that strict technological safeguards are in place. All videos generated will be marked with a watermark to indicate that the video is synthetic and all users are to agree to the terms of use.

This technology enables your digital presenter to have facial movements and body gestures and you can integrate your video with presentations for product demos or creative pitches.

So, what does this mean for marketers?

As videos become the new best way to reach and connect with audiences in marketing, communications, and training strategies, businesses must find livelier, cheaper, and more consumable ways of producing content that keep users engaged. The rapidly evolving avatar and meta verse worlds are driving this trend and marketers must always stay in tune with interactive, immersive, and creative digital trends to create more content. The types of synthetic media that companies like D-ID are creating, presents an ideal solution for stage fright as well as time- and budget constraints we all face.

In addition to in-house training, sales and presentations, marketers can use this new tech to build a new type of relationship with their consumers. Personalised messaging is a huge driver in marketing tactics and this tech offers that opportunity. Imagine a partnership with an influencer who can greet a select number of loyal fans by their name! There will be no need for the influencer to record each of these names either – this can be done automatically though the platform.

This is also a service that can be offered by corporations for other corporations.  It can be beneficial for all involved and open up the opportunity for lasting partnerships.

Nucleus Vision Digital and Design Legends
A full-service Marketing and Design Agency
