Nucleus joins forces with a passionate marketing agency for a level-up merger

It requires humility and wisdom to look to the future and understand that teamwork is the only way our combined success will be attained. With our keen business senses and great optimism for the future Nucleus sought out a fellow marketing agency, with the same passion for taking brands to the next level, to join forces with us under Nucleus Vision Digital and Design Legends.

The size, operations, goals and vision of each organisation were congruent, making this a perfect match. Realising that cooperation between the two companies will yield greater results than the sum of their individual parts. Each company had proprietary access to information, relationships and resources that would contribute to raising the effectiveness of the individual operations by orders of magnitude.

The cost saving benefits of the improvement of the sales and marketing distribution channels was impossible to ignore – another reason the merger was a savvy decision. This projected financial health could also be applied to staff whose salaries and benefits would be positively affected because successful mergers rely heavily on the talent at both companies feeling that they have a place to belong, that they are valued and welcomed at this new organisation. It is essentially the people who will drive the business forward in years to come, so keeping them engaged and motivated and treating them with respect during this process is of the utmost importance.

Nucleus and our new partner are also looking forward to working together under this new corporation, pushing the industry envelope to develop future innovations by putting our collective powers to work. Since efforts before the merger were complementary, targeting similar types of clients and striving to modernise digital marketing in effective ways, after the merger we predict a higher level of quality principles that will revolutionise the way that agencies and brands communicate with their audiences.

Even though both corporations worked effortlessly towards unified goals separately, even after the merger processes and protocols had to be re-examined to make absolute certain that the vision and mission of the new entity aligned. Town Hall style meetings can play a major role in making sure everyone is on the same page and continuing to stay on mission with our eyes focused upward on our future and the future of this dynamic and creative industry we call digital marketing. These types of meetings all reconfirm the company culture and corroborate best practices. Cementing our collective goal and inaugurating us as a brand new lean, mean customer satisfying team.

When the ink is dry on all contracts the merger technically doesn’t stop there. We now have to practice what it is we’ve been strategising for. Regular check-ins to see if the integration is continuing to go smoothly and discussions about what is working and what isn’t go a long way to the continued health of the company and our people.

Nucleus Vision Digital and Design Legends
A full-service Marketing and Design Agency
