
Tools & Software

Finding The Perfect Colour For Your Brand Persona

Every business needs a brand persona. Doing any work be it sales, marketing, PR, business development or refining and defining your products and services you need to know who you are as a brand so that your audience can connect to you. Today’s consumers, more than ever, desire authentic connection, so you want to have deep roots and always show them who you are. After that everything else must be just as curated and calculated, from who exactly your audience is, to your logo, brand identity, and communication strategy – it all stems from your Brand Persona.

How To Get Started With Marketing Automation

The modern marketer knows that they have to make use of multiple methods and strategies to successfully market their brand. We use data and analytics to make smart choices and gain insights into what our customers are doing and how and why they are doing it. We optimise our website experience, making sure those who need us find us, and we convert those with a strong interest in our brand and products into loyal customers who keep coming back. We personalise our content so that our customers truly find value. And we run digital campaigns to get the word out on what we are doing for our customers so they can experience all we have to offer.

Audience Profiler: How To Define Your Target Market

You have an amazing product or service and there are people out there who need it and are waiting to buy it from you. But they’re not going to find you. You have to find them. That’s why you have to know WHO your audience is, in order for you to find them.

Subject Lines In Email Marketing – How To Get It Right

Email marketing is one of the most important yet misunderstood tools for marketers today. It’s a fast-paced world and many people struggle to keep a schedule, stay in the know and achieve all they need to get done in a single day.
