Marketing strategies

Setting Yourself Up For Success with a Content Calendar

Inconsistent marketing messaging can lead to several negative effects for a brand, including confusion among its audience, weakened brand identity, and diminished trust. When a brand fails to deliver a unified message, consumers may struggle to understand what the brand stands for, leading to disengagement and a fractured brand image.

A Paradigm Shift For Digital Marketing – The Zero Clicks Concept

Clicks have been the currency of digital marketing since the early days of the internet. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the rise of search engines like Google introduced Click-Through Rate (CTR) as a critical measure of success. CTR refers to the percentage of people who see an ad or search result and click on it, driving traffic to a specific webpage.

Back To Basics – CTA Refresh For Novice and Expert Marketers

A great ad grabs attention, builds interest, and creates desire—but without a clear Call To Action (CTA) all that effort could go to waste. A CTA is your audience’s next step. It’s the bridge between interest and action. Without it, even the most compelling content might leave your audience wondering, What should I do next?
