
Future is here

The Tough Side Of Tech – Knowing When To Call It

Have you heard of X – the moonshot factory? X is a diverse group of inventors and entrepreneurs who build and launch technologies that aim to improve the lives of people around the globe. A division of Google LLC, founded in 2010, they take a creative and people-centred approach to the objectives and processes of a traditional corporate research lab.

Un-Tech Trends – How Progress Has Come Full Circle

Certain technology and devices are so much a part of our daily lives that we almost forget that we survived without it. As we discussed in our article about the multi-generational workforce almost everyone in any industry has lived through big changes in how we do things. We all fondly tell the younger generation “back in my day”, but an emerging trend in tech means that they’ll most likely get to experience that for themselves.

The Low-Code Trend You Should Know About – Developing Apps Without Writing Code

Apps are the language of our consumers. A key rule in marketing is to be where your customers are and if your customers are always on their mobile phones, then that’s where you should be. And although the value of encouraging the youth to learn to code can never be understated – the world moving in a more digital direction after all – those of us who are already entrenched in an industry that started off analogue have to keep up by using tools that make navigating the digital world more efficient for our objectives and success.

5 Future Technologies That Could Become A Part Of Our Daily Lives

Previous articles have had us explore 3D printing, AI generated imagery, and last month we briefly touched on a summary of AI tools that marketers can supplement their strategies with. In addition to these two future technologies what other advancements will change our world?
