Enjoy, It’s Beautiful – Subverting Expectations With KFC, Spain

A keyword in the marketing industry is authenticity. More and more we embracing the idea that not everything has to be perfect and polished. KFC embodied this realisation with the help of PS21, an independent creative company based in Spain. PS21 believes that, to make ideas that change everything, putting creativity at the center of all you do is key. That’s why, according to them, they don’t do advertising, they use the transformative power of creativity to evolve society.

Victor Blanco, executive creative director at PS21 explained how the seeds of their latest campaign began to grow, “We all know that the more we enjoy something, the more ridiculous our faces become. And that’s amazingly beautiful.”

Hearing a well known love song, “You Are So Beautiful”, by Joe Cocker, most of us expect to see happy couples, moonlit strolls, or laughing children, but PS21 and KFC used this song to show the beauty of our ugly-eating faces. This touching ballad plays under crossed eyes, bloated cheeks and stained shirts, a hilarious yet relatable juxtaposition. “In the advertising industry, we are used to seeing TV actors smiling at products as if they were telling a joke,” says Victor, that’s why PS21 and KFC decided to show real love between the eater and their meal by capturing the moments that we all connect with, the messy moments where we are being true to ourselves and honestly enjoying what life has to offer.

At the heart of it all this campaign is about living in the moment. Forget about posing as if your food is telling you a joke, forget about biting and chewing with a picture-perfect face, take a bite out of your food just like you take a bite out of life! Like there’s no tomorrow, like there’s nobody watching, like you’re doing it for the last time. That’s how we truly connect, that’s how we truly enjoy, and that’s what marketers, SME owners and brand managers need to evoke in their audiences, that sense Carpe Diem. Seizing the moment no matter how you look doing it.

Nucleus Vision Digital and Design Legends
A full-service Marketing and Design Agency
