Elements of a Marketing Strategy Roundup

Marketing is a fascinating and fast paced industry. As marketers, brand managers and SME owners we are always consuming content that will help us sharpen our tools, hone our skills and reach our goals.

Sometimes an article here and a blog post there, though adding lots of value, can seem disjointed. As your marketing support arm Nucleus Vision gives you information in digestible snippets, as a way to respect your time-schedule, but certain elements can be pieced together to make a mega-post.

No matter where you are in the game, a seasoned professional or just jumping it brushing up on your basics can never hurt. The simplest questions are sometimes the ones that are overlooked, so if you were in a classroom, could you answer this: what are the elements of a marketing strategy?

Tougher than you think. Especially because being a part of this dynamic and ever-changing industry means that there is not one perfect strategy and we have to use our knowledge about the industry, society as a whole and our brand specifically to design a tailor-made solution that fits the goals for our company and our team. But, looking at the bigger picture, there are few basic elements we can agree on, and Nucleus Vision has touched on most of them already.

1. Target

How do you know what to say unless you know who you’re talking to. Customer segmentation is one of the oldest practices in marketing. Some tips on how to define your audience here.

2. USP

Everybody knows what a unique selling proposition is. Here at Nucleus we prefer the idea of a Brand Positioning Statement. Know it. Live it. A little direction on how to create yours here.

3. KPIs

Putting methods and practices into place to track your performance is integral to an effective marketing strategy. Brush up on Key Performance Indicators here.

4. Tactics

You know who you’re talking to, you know what makes you different, you’re ready to measure your success, now choose your marketing channels and your marketing mediums. Get to know them here.

5. Competition

The importance of knowing what other brands in your industry are up to is something that every seasoned marketer can attest to. Read our insights here. Do you agree with our top 5 elements of a marketing strategy? What would you say we have forgotten? Is there an element that you think we can leave out? Start a conversation with your peers and colleagues about the industry we are all passionate about.

Nucleus Vision Digital and Design Legends
A full-service Marketing and Design Agency
