Basics Of Your Video Content Marketing Strategy

We previously spoke about defining your purpose statement, email marketing strategies, and audience profiling. All of these are important foundational elements for your brand before you start any type of content marketing strategy. Remember content marketing simply means creating content for a specific audience and distributing it in a way that relates to the audience according to a strategy constructed around the content, audience and distribution methods. Today we’ll focus on a specific type of content: video.

Marketers, brand managers and SME owners often say that what hinders them from using video is unfamiliarity with the strategy involved in marketing this type of content. This is where an agency like Nucleus Vision can assist. We help you decide on the what the content will display, where it will be shared, and to which target market.  Monitoring the results and knowing how to adjust each element of your strategy according to what those results tell you is also an important objective to keep in mind.

Even if each of these tasks is specifically daunting, as long as you know that these are essential elements of your strategy, you’ve taken the first step to construct a successful one. If you’re still unsure of a way forward here are a few other concerns that an agency can address before formulating an effective video strategy together.

Video content is truly versatile. Any brand can use video as long as what the video displays keeps in line with brand vision, mission and values and all communication is in the brand language. No matter what your brand voice your messaging can be translated into video. Looking to the most popular video creators can be misleading as marketers believe we have to copy that style to get the same result.

Remember, each brand is talking to their own audience in their own voice. Their success comes from being authentic and connecting with the relevant target market in a meaningful way – not merely the style and content of the video.

Even though anyone can use video, we must always define our goals. The use of video can be the most interactive and engaging way to achieve a number of things for your brand. No matter how long you’ve been in business a simple awareness campaign with video can be very successful. News of new products services or promotions can be communicated. You can even use video to support after-sales relationships, encourage feedback, and foster customer service channels and practices.

How exactly is your video going to look. Again, there are many options and knowing them will help you build the best strategy. Your videos can be informative – focussing just on the features and benefits of products and services. Many brands have relationship-building content – showcasing brand values and encouraging those who relate to join the community. Audience-centred content comes from success in previous strategies and taking insights learned to communicate directly to what your audience needs and wants, this includes common pain points, success stories, FAQs or audience requests. Bandwagon can have some negative connotations, but if there is a viral trend that fits with your brand personality participating can show your audience, and your potential audience, that your brand is relatable, connected and cares about their interests.

Where you share your content will also play a big role in the structure and length of your video. There is no golden time. How long your video will be depends on what you are sharing and how your audience will receive it best. For example, if you want to appeal to your detail-oriented audience because you’ve had a few requests for a product demo, it’s not advisable to set a time limit beforehand. Instead make sure you cover essential points of the product in the video and then decide where the video will do best depending on the finished product. Longer videos do better on YouTube, but if you don’t have a larger following there, build it first. Push your audience towards the new platform by telling them you are fulfilling your promise to them. If you are succeeding on platforms that encourage shorter videos divide your content into a series and match your audience attention span and needs.

Production of the video is extremely important, but making sure it looks sleek and professional is not enough. If your video has the goal of improving sales or generating leads make that easy for your audience. It will be a shame if a stunning video doesn’t lead to any new interest for your brand. Make sure to add links to landing pages, e-commerce pages, websites or blogs in the video itself as well as the description. You can also make videos especially to be included in blogs or email marketing campaigns. Video content is not just clips shared on social media, they can be used in traditional marketing campaigns and even as ads on social and mobile gaming. Remember, you worked hard to make this content, so let this video work for you.

Getting a grasp of these basic key elements is a good start to building your video content strategy. Again, don’t deviate from your brand persona, always remember your audience and make your content work for you. It’s always advisable to get the help of experts to analyse your video insights to see if your strategy can be improved for greater return on investment and audience engagement.

Nucleus Vision Digital and Design Legends
A full-service Marketing and Design Agency
